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Een Parijs geheim: kunstenaars colonie La Ruche (A Parisian Secret; Art Colony La Ruche)

Article in Dutch, magazine "Leven in Frankrijk" (Living in France).



Een oase van creativiteit

Article in Dutch.

La inspiración que ejerció Diego Rivera en pintores europeos "merece más crédito"

Article in Spanish. Michele van de Roer dará conferencia sobre el paso del guanajuatense por La Ruche.


La Ruche, l'utopie realisee des Montparnos

Article in French, a review of the Artists of Today, a show in Evian honoring the La Ruche community, past and present. 2009

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"Unfolding Infinity", exhibition catalog

Published in conjuction with the solo exhibition "Unfolding Infinity"; it includes essays by Elizabeth Manchester and Ralph Jester.

Full-color, 12 pages, 2014.


"The paired colours chosen for the plates that Michèle van de Roer pulls vibrate with the texture of her elegant lines that follow each other in parallel dancing movements across the paper as they echo the rise and fall of drapery through a folding and unfolding of contours. These lines, cut into the copper by the pressure of the artist’s body – leaning into it, concentrating her physical and mental force into the needle’s tip – trace the potential to travel well beyond the edges of the plate, into a world of atomic shimmering and shivering where matter and non-matter collide."

                                                                                        -- Elizabeth Manchester

"Unbounded", exhibition catalog

Published in conjunction with the group exhibition "Unbounded" at Hollar Gallery, Prague, the Czech Republic. Published by Manhattan Graphics Center, New York, 2013.





"Le jardin de Rodin". Photographies de Michèle Van de Roer

Paris, Les Editions Fischbacher, 1996. 140 pages.



"De Bonnard a Baselitz", exhibition catalog

Published in conjuction with a print exhibition, presenting my print Cuivre Natif (1981), hard ground etching and aquatint, added to the permanent collection, Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Catalog Page 411e.



Pierre Gaillard, "L’Automne ecorche VIF". Gravures de Michèle Van de Roer

Editions La Sétérée-Jacques Clerc, 1988, Crest, France.



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74 rue de Seine

Paris 75006


Eric Mourlot

16 East 79 th Street

New York, NY 10075

Manhattan Graphics Center

250 West 40 th street

New York, NY 10018

SAGA Gallery

32 Union Square East

Suite 1214

New York, NY 10003

© 2025 MVDR | Michele van de Roer

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